Yearly Archives: 2010

I know I just scared you by writing the words tofu and cookies in the same sentence. But seriously, these cookies were so delicious, you would never know there was any tofu in them! I mixed them up with my little girl today to warm us up, it is freeeeezing […]

Really great tofu cookies

Could December get any crazier?? Seriously?? We have had so much craziness going on I have not had much time to cook. We celebrated Diane’s birthday Monday and then rush rush rush everyday since then. This is a preview of December Craziness. Read the full post

December Craziness

I cannot believe my baby girl is Three! Yesterday we celebrated her birthday and all day long, she kept asking me, “When will it be my birthday Mom?” I kept saying, it is your birthday honey. “No!” she kept arguing. Finally, I asked her, “What will make today your birthday?” […]

My Baby Girl is 3~

We love the kids teachers so much that we wanted to bake them a treat for Thanksgiving Week. These muffins are moist, delicious, and great to share with family and friends. Print Yum Pumpkin Butterscotch Muffins Ingredients1 and 3/4 cup all purpose flour 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup white […]

Pre Thanksgiving Muffins

I have been away from my brand new blog for the past week. Why you may ask?? Well as a Mom of 5 kids, illness and sickness is a given. We had strep, bad colds and coughs, and a banged up knee, but we are doing better now. My 2 […]

Been away for a week

Thanks for stopping by my new blog. I will be posting recipes, funny things my kids do, reviews of foods, products and more. I would love to connect with you on twitter or facebook I look forward to getting to know and share some great recipes along the way! @cookwith5kids […]
