Three weeks have passed since my last post.
Three weeks where we enjoyed our summer of relaxation.
In these three weeks we had a few highlights and a few lowlights.
The orthodontist chipped my 16 year old’s tooth while filing it to get his teeth closer together. The hole he made will require a filling. Really a low lowlight.
My daughter and son walked in a fashion show. They rocked it. I loved watching them.
We went to Michigan for a family event. So much fun! My kids are great travelers 🙂
Most parents look forward to school starting. Counting down the days, ready to rid the house of all the little people.
Not me.
I really dread this time of year.
Summer is so relaxing. No reasons to wake up early. Nothing to rush around doing. No places to be at certain times. And no carpooling, lunch box making, or making sure the right clothing is clean.
But the biggest one, the one that is most traumatic, NO HOMEWORK!!!!
So school started this week. I have an 11th grader, a 9th grader, a 6th grader and a 3rd grader. I had the first day of school clothing ready to go. We packed all our lunches 2 days before school started (no the perishable parts of course). We lined up the socks and sneakers. I took the photos and waved goodbye. Then I got sad. I remembered what I hated so much about school. It is not enough that the kids (the 2 older ones especially) have 10 classes a day and are learning for 8 hours straight. No, that is not enough for them. They have to have homework every single night. And not just a fun book to read. The freaking first night of school there were hours worth of homework. What do we gain from all this homework? We have kids who hate to go to school. We have kids who cannot be kids because there is no time or ENERGY left after doing their homework. After school activities? My boys can barely find time to do sports because the homework is so demanding.
So alas, the first day of school for the big guys came and passed and along with it came the homework, the online checking of assignments, the “fun” of school is gone. We just need to get it done now. Here is the only photo the big kids allowed me to take. And by allowed, I took it in the carpool line after they got out of the car.
The younger ones did not mind posing for a picture in their first day of school happiness. This is our carpool group. Love them all!
And next week, my little girl starts Junior Kindergarten. She will be in school all day long. And I will miss her very much. And I will dread the day she comes home and tells me she has 2 hours of homework.
I hope you all have a great school year! Thanks for reading and stay tuned for my recipes and excitement from us!