Monthly Archives: March 2013

My kids love pizza. Most kids do!  So this recipe is healthy but at the same time it is delicious.  Since we have some vegans in the house, this recipe can easily be made vegan.  Daiya mozzerella cheese and unsweetened almond milk are easy substitutions. Here is the recipe, Print […]

More Pizza Please

So what did I do last night? I taught a cooking class at Whole Foods.  I attempted to post here on my blog that my cooking class was coming up, but every time I sat down to write a post about it, I got more and more nervous.  Then time […]

I Did It!

Lots of great movies coming out this month! We were lucky enough to receive passes to see Jack the Giant Slayer in 3D. Wow, was this movie surprisingly good! As adults we found it very appealing and entertaining.  Older children and teens will most likely love it as well.  It […]

Real Parents Review Jack the Giant Slayer