Monthly Archives: April 2013

One of my kids is a fairly picky eater.  He likes very few foods.  Luckily, the foods he likes are healthy.  We just made an awesome smoothie together. We just threw in the Vitamix: pineapple blueberries strawberries chia seeds kale a peeled orange a banana about 1/4 cup hemp seeds […]

Vegan Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

My husband and 14 year old son attended a sneak preview last week of Oblivion, a new Sci fi movie starring Tom Cruise.  Cruise’s character (Jack – Tech 49) is a part of a two person crew assigned to a post-apocalyptic Earth where the Moon has been destroyed by an alien […]

Real Parents Review: Oblivion

Yesterday we were lucky enough to host a MommyParty sponsored by Ridemakerz.  The Ridemakerz line is aimed at boys 5-7 years old.  I can tell you after a few guests called in sick, our girl party attendees stepped up and LOVED the Ridemakerz cars, just as much, or more than […]

Ridemakerz #xtremecustomzparty recap

Happy last day of spring break everyone!  This spring break really sucked.  Most of the family was sick throughout the vacation.  I held on and somehow did not get sick until 2 days ago.  The fever, the coughing, and the headaches were quite annoying.  Everyone is on the mend now, […]

Vegan Muffins with Jelly