Strawberry ice cream 5

Experimenting with more aquafaba recipes is still in full swing.  Aquafaba, the liquid from a can of chickpeas or cannelini beans is still quite magical to me.  This weekend I had some strawberries that were not looking so hot.  We decided to try to turn them into vegan, pareve, healthy ice cream. This experiment came out amazing.  The picture below does not do it justice.  The ice cream tasted incredible and was really easy to make.  This dessert is vegan, vegetarian, and refreshing!

A quick note, I had only used chickpea brine in my aquafaba recipes until now. I needed cannelini beans for a recipe, so I saved that liquid and used it in the strawberry ice cream. It worked perfectly.  So easy and so good.  My daughter is eating a scoop of the strawberry ice cream along with her breakfast right now.


Strawberry Aquafaba Ice Cream


  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1T cocounut sugar(or any sweetner of your choice)
  • 1/2 cup of aquafaba
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar(you might need more if your strawberries are not very sweet)
  • 3/4 tsp vanilla bean paste (or other vanilla)


  1. Cut off the tops of your strawberries and make them into a puree(use a blender or a food processor or a fork). Stir in your coconut sugar. In a heavy duty mixer whip up your aquafaba until stiff peaks, should take about 5 minutes or so. Just before stiff peaks slowly add in the vanilla and powdered sugar. Once you are at stiff peaks, slowly pour in your strawberry puree. Put into a Tupperware container and let freeze overnight. You will be amazed in the morning!

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