Praise your students properly with the Teacher Rewards Kit 46

Positive Feedback with the Teacher Rewards Kit full review at

This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Acorn Influence and the Teacher Rewards Kit from Walmart.

Positive Feedback is one of the best ways to improve student behaviors in your classroom

The ideas I am discussing today work best in a Kindergarten through 3rd grade environment.  Some of these ideas can be used in preschool classes and some can be adapted for the 3rd-6th grades as well.  Keep in mind that K-3 is the sweet spot for positive student interaction with sticker reward charts.  Good luck in your classrooms this year!

Positive Feedback with the Teacher Rewards Kit full review at

Research shows that positive feedback is one of the most effective ways to improve student behaviors in a classroom.  Using teacher reward materials, like the items you will find in these kits, is one of the best ways to show daily praise to your students.  So what is praise exactly?  It has been defined as, “A positive statement by the teacher contingent on a behavior that indicates approval or satisfaction of student behavior.”  It has also be stated as, “Teacher-initiated statements that convey to children the specific academic or social behaviors in which teachers would like to see students continue to engage.” (Conroy et al., 2009).  Praise is an excellent way to give students feedback and promotes positive student/teacher interactions.  Praise also creates a positive classroom environment for the entire class.  So now you know what praise is, but the hard part is, how do you implement it?

There is a great mnemonic I learned from a veteran teacher that really helped me guide my use of praise:


I = Immediate
F = Frequent
E = Enthusiastic
E = Eye contact
D = Describe the behavior
V = Variety

With the proper materials you can find many ways each day to praise your students using the I-FEED-V approach.  The Teacher Rewards Kit gives you an effective, inexpensive, and convenient way to praise your students and provides you with simple ways to show praise to your students.

Positive Feedback with the Teacher Rewards Kit full review at

This kit includes:

  • 60 Award Certificates: 20 “Your Superpower Is”. 20 “Hero Of The Week”, and 20 “You’re Super”
  • 300 notecards, 100 of each of the styles shown above
  • 880 small rounds reward stickers
  • 250 larger reward stickers
  • 75 Bookmarks 25 “Superstar”, 25 “Great Job” and 25 “Awesome”


Check out this short Flipagram I made about this kit here.

The Teacher Rewards Kit can be found in most Walmart locations in the Back to School Section. At only $10 for over 1,500 pieces, it is an excellent value!

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Disclosure: This post is part of a blogging campaign in collaboration with the Teacher Rewards Kit from Walmart in conjunction with Acorn Influence.

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