10 new products to buy this summer
1.Pic’s Peanut Butter: We love to try new foods over the summer. Peanut butter is a staple in our household. The Pics peanut butter is one of the best natural peanut butters we have ever tried. The ingredients are peanuts and salt, a perfect combination of 2 ingredients. If you like natural peanut butter without all the oil on top, this might be a perfect find. The slug, single serve packs are perfect to pop in the lunch box for a high protein snack. You can find Pic’s on Amazon here. Add Pic’s really good peanut butter to an apple, banana bread, or a slice of toasted sourdough bread, yum!
2.Wellness Please Collagen: Have you tried collagen yet? If not, this summer is the perfect time to try it. Wellness Please collagen has so many health benefits including strengthening your hair, improving your skin, reducing muscle fatigue, improving circulation, building lean muscle, regulating metabolism, helping you sleep better, supporting cognitive function, and much more. This colorless and odorless protein powder made from amino acids mixes into any liquid with ease. I add it to a smoothie and serve it to my family every day.
3.Munk Pack Oatmeal Fruit Squeezers: I am always looking for a delicious on the go snack for the kids. These squeeze packs are great to pack in a lunch box or a travel bag. These oatmeal fruit squeezers taste great and are gluten-free, made with whole grains and are vegan. They come in 5 delicious flavors and are a great source of Omega 3s and fiber. These are a great on-the-go breakfast when you are in a rush! I love that all the ingredients are verified Non-GMO and they have no added sugar.
4.iPhone X from Verizon: Summertime is the best time to upgrade your cell phone and learn how to use a new electronic device. Your kids are likely not in school and can help you figure out all the features of your new phone. The iPhone X from Verizon is a phenomenal phone. Understanding how to use an iPhone is very intuitive. If my Mom can understand how it works, so can you. We tested an iPhone X this past month and these are our favorite features so far:
- Face ID: When you look at the screen, it is so easy to just open the phone with a flick of your finger. Face ID can also log you into certain websites. How cool is that?
- Switching between apps is seamless and takes seconds, and so does the opening and closing of apps.
- One handed keyboard is awesome for those of us who love to text.
- Games in iMessages are so much fun and a great way to communicate with quiet teens or relatives who live far away.
- Easy to access the camera quickly. With a swipe to the left on the home screen, you can have your camera open in seconds.
- The camera takes incredible photos and videos with fancy lighting, editing, and even a stage spotlight. The camera and video camera on the iPhone X are spectacular. Your photos will come out looking like you used a professional camera.
- Speakers are loud and the screen is crisp so watching movies on your phone is an enjoyable experience, especially when you are away from home.
- Screenshots and editing photos is a breeze.
- Verizon network is powerful. The 4G has not faltered and can host a powerful hotspot as well. I highly recommend the Verizon network in the DC metro area. We have had excellent connectivity.
5.GizmoTab from Verizon: If you are traveling this summer and you have children, you really need to buy a GizmoTab from Verizon. This tablet is so nice to take on a trip. My daughter tested one on the train from DC to Boston. She played math and spelling games, watched a movie, and took some cute photos. Never once did she say she was bored, or lose connection. The best features of the GizmoTab that we found were:
- The sturdy case keeps the tablet safe from inevitable falls and drops.
- Over 300 apps are preloaded and your children can have different profiles, along with age-appropriate learning apps.
- Parental controls dictate how long each child can play, and how much free play they earn. Parental controls can also keep the child from being able to access anything except the learning apps.
- You can program up to 3 children with 3 different learning profiles per tablet.
- Aimed at ages 3-8 but my daughter who is a bit older learned a lot and enjoyed the games and apps.
- You can download apps from the Google Play store for your child or for you. Kids can play learning games during the day, and you can watch Netflix at night.
- Verizon connectivity was excellent up and down the East Coast.
6. Summer is all about trying new Snacks! I love to find healthier snacks that my kids can enjoy. These 5 snacks were delicious and healthier for you.
- Jordan’s Skinny Mixes Pumpkin line is awesome. All of these products have zero sugar and flavor your coffee. These sugar-free gourmet mixes add tons of flavor without any of the extra calories. The mixes come in syrups and foams and also in other flavors.
- Bokksu: My second oldest son is a Japanese major in college. He has never been to Japan and he is fascinated by all the snacks they eat there. The Bokksu box is such a cool concept. It is a monthly box that is filled with genuine Japanese treats. Each box has a theme and the authentic treats are so much fun to discover. My son loved reading the Japanese words on each item and tried to figure out what they were. This month was a citrus theme and each treat had some kind of citrus in it. We even learned about a Japanese citrus fruit called the Shiquasa, which is a flat lemon. If you have any interest in Japan or Japanese foods the Bokksu box is a wonderful surprise in the mail each month.
- Waterloo Waters: We love flavored waters! No sugar, salt or calories A bigger flavor and better ingredients makes Waterloo waters a delight. 8 delicious flavors with a hint of real fruit flavor. Our favorite flavors were watermelon, mango, and lemon. It is hard to find zero calorie beverages without Splenda, artificial colors, or artificial flavors. Waterloo sparkling waters are a great way to celebrate summer.
- Softer than Brittle candy: It is hard to tell you how much my family loved the Softer then Brittle candy. To be honest, we do not eat much candy at all. I am quite picky about the candies I allow in our house. When I do allow candy, it has to be pretty special. Softer than Brittle is a really unique candy. It is a flaky consistency with a delicious flavor. This brand uses healthier ingredients and only 6-7 ingredients total. Each of the flavors does include nuts, so be careful if you have any nut sensitivity or allergies. This candy is also gluten free, kosher, dairy-free and vegan! The name of this candy is perfect, it is much softer than peanut brittle but has all the lovely characteristics of a brittle without breaking your teeth on each piece. You can find Softer than Brittle on Amazon here.
- Simply Sunrise Candy: These candies come in fun flavors and shapes. Sour neon worms, gummy bears, peach rings, and lots more. This entire line of candy is peanut free, gluten free and dairy free. It is made with no artificial flavors, no synthetic colors, and is mostly healthy. Yes, it is a candy with lots of sugar, but it is much better for your kids than regular candy. My kids loved the peach rings best! You can find Simply Sunrise on Amazon here.
7.Clean Well hand sanitizer: This natural hand sanitizer is always in my purse, the kid’s backpacks, and in their lunch boxes. Keeping germs off our hands before eating is really important. This spray kills germs naturally. The orange vanilla flavor smells so good, not like your typical hand sanitizer. The Clean Well sanitizer smells better because it is made from a botanical formula.
8.Arctic Zero Ice Cream: This lighter ice cream comes in 7 awesome flavors. Each pint is between 280 and 360 calories. I love when the ice cream pint lists the calories for the whole pint because often members of my family eat the entire pint in one sitting. These pints are lower in calorie than most ice creams and are made with clean ingredients. Every single flavor was delicious and a few fights might have broken out over the peanut butter and chocolate cookies flavor. If you are craving ice cream but do not want all the fat and calories in regular ice cream, give the Arctic Zero light ice cream a try.
9. Singing Machine, Karaoke Machine: I need a lot of fun indoor projects for the kids to do when it is too hot or rainy outside. The Singing Machine works with Bluetooth so you can stream songs from your devices. The glowing karaoke machine keeps the kids smiling while they are singing. We have had many fun singing parties this summer and you should too!
10. by HealBe: This smartwatch is packed with tons of information most other smartwatches cannot provide. This wearable fitness and wellness tracker is comfortable to wear and looks like a normal smart device. This watch has a sensor on the back and analyzes your skin and can provide you with a lot of vital information:
- Tracks your REM Sleep
- Tracks how stressed you are
- Tracks your heart rate
- Tracks your hydration level
- Tracks your calories consumed
- Can set up a silent alarm so you wake up and do not bother your sleeping husband
- Reminds you to drink more water if you are getting dehydrated
The GoBe2 is a state of the art watch. It does so much more than your typical smartwatch or fitness tracker. The charge lasts for about 48 hours so you only need to charge it once every 2 days. You can find the GoBe2 on Amazon here. You can save 10% on a GoBe2 watch for yourself with the code: COOKWITH5KIDS.
Which item on this list are you most excited to try? What products have you tried recently that you now cannot live without?
This was a great assortment of must have products I love peanut butter and my son has a PB and j everysay so this and that collagen sound like they are great to try this summer.
Your son would love the Pic’s PB! I promise it will elevate his PBJ experience.
Wow, I haven’t heard of most of these. I should look into getting some – they all sound pretty neat. The peanut butter looks especially yum! Would love to try the crunchy!
The crunchy PB is amazing! I eat spoons of it right out of the jar and it is awesome.
This would also make a great road trip packing list as most things look very portable. Have fun trying everything out this summer.
Yup, many of these items would be perfect road trip snacks!!
These look like some great products! I love the natural peanut butters! I also use collagen and love the health benefits of that.
Collagen is such a great addition to the diet. It is so nice that it is easy to add without anyone noticing.
These products all look so good! I have hardly heard of any of them! The Arctic Zone sounds like something that I really need to try and satisfy my sweet tooth without the guilt!
Arctic Zone is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth. It is smooth, creamy, and totally satisfying.
Great round up! I have been debating about the iPhone X and had really considered getting it. Then hubby reminded me that the newest one isncoming out soon so i should just wait.
Yes, the new phones will be coming out soon, but the X will probably then go down in price! You should consider it for sure.
I am going to have to try the Arctic Zero ice cream. It’s summertime and I just can’t stay away from my favorite treat!! That said, I am looking to eat less fat and fewer calories. Yes, I will admit that I can polish off 1/2 a pint so it’s great that Arctic Zero has fewer calories and fat. Its a winner of a product that I am picking up on my next shopping trip.
You really need to try Arctic Zero! If you like to eat an entire pint you need to try this for sure.
Lots of new products I can check into since my son let me know last night he will be wanting to take his lunch once school resumes and I can’t wait to share them with him and let Charlie pick out which items he wants to try.
If this is the first time you will be packing a lunch box congratulations! It is a fun job, especially if you get Charlie involved with helping make the lunch. Enjoy!
Those are a great combination of products. Peanut butter is life. I eat that right off the spoon! Who can turn down that Arctic Zero ice cream?
PB IS LIFE! And delicious peanut butter like Pic’s elevates your life, trust me! And Arctic Zero ice cream disappears as soon as I buy a pint, yum!
Those are snacks to try! I am getting into Back-to-School shopping mode over here. And I need to delay the lunch-packing panic as long as humanly possible!
Don’t panic about school lunches, have your kids help you pack them! It can be really fun.
You shared a lot of great products! I would love to to try the karaoke machine and the Gobe2. I want to take better care of myself so I could really use the smart watch. My karaoke machine broke a few years ago and I never replaced it. This has some nice upgrades!
You should definitely try the GoBe2 watch. It really gives you a clear picture of your overall health each day.
These are interesting stuff! The ice cream, yum! I would love to taste all the flavors.
Every ice cream flavor is amazing! You cannot go wrong and it will not be terribly caloric if you eat the whole pint.
We’ve been with Verizon for 9 years and would never switch! Love their service! We got all our iPhones there (we upgrade every time a new one comes out!)
My kids would love those Munk Packs! I am looking for new things to add to my little guy’s lunches for school and those would be perfect!
The Munk Packs are awesome for lunch or even an on the go breakfast!
Wow these are all great ideas for this summer. Some I already get but there are definitely new ones that I want to try!
It is fun to discover new products in the summer!
Oh my! I’d like to give all these products a try especially Pic’s Peanut Butter and Arctic Zero ice cream. Hope I find it at the supermarket.
You just gave me a great idea, to swirl some of the Pic’s Peanut Butter into the Arctic Zero ice cream, yum!