I have many teacher gifts to hand out each year. Since we like to bake, I like to make something special, delicious, and decadent for each one. The teachers work so hard and spend so much time with my kids. I want to give them something from the heart. Well […]
Yearly Archives: 2011
Today is my baby girl’s 4th birthday. She is such a joy and I cannot imagine how boring life would be without her. This is a preview of Protein Pie. Read the full post
Protein Pie
So I have 5 kids and each kid has a different eating issue. Not really an issue, but each kid likes different foods. This is most challenging when trying to plan one meal that will make everyone happy. Basically I have given up on that. I try to make things […]
Healthier Snacks
Do you remember who the Muppets are? Odds are your kids probably don’t! Video: ‘The Muppets’ movie trailer It has been a long time since The Muppet Show was on tv, or a new Muppet movie has come out. So you may be wondering if your kids will still enjoy […]
Real Parents Review of the New Muppet Movie

Where has the time gone? I cannot believe it has been so many weeks since I last posted on my blog. I have been busy cooking, taking my 2nd son to millions of doctors appointments, and trying to keep the peace. My 13 yo has some sort of mystery illness. […]
Two Recipes and a review
I love to eat healthy. My teens HATE to eat healthy. My 15 yo told me he thinks he is allergic to healthy food. So what do I do? I make healthy foods and the teens turn their nose. Until today. I made a new pizza dough that was healthy. […]
Best Pizza Dough Ever
I love to do a lot of online shopping these days. Dragging 1, 2 or 5 kids to the store is not my idea of fun! So online shopping is where it is at. One of my favorite sites is www.jasmere.com At first, Jasmere looks like one of those typical, […]
One of My Favorite Websites, Jasmere
When I am trying to make dinner, do dishes, or clean up some mess that someone has made there are few things that keep the little ones busy and teach them at the same time! One of our favorite new apps is Chuck and Friends by Ruckus Media. If you […]
Chuck & Friends App & Giveaway
Today we had an earthquake. It was a really big earthquake for an East Coast girl like me. Today was a beautiful day, about 75 degrees, sunny, not a cloud in the sky. My husband and I were both at home working on our computers at opposite ends of the […]
Earthquake and a Giveaway
I still cannot believe this summer is coming to an end. Where did the time go? I feel like the school year just ended. I am completely not ready for making lunches, homework, and washing smelly PE clothes. We still have 12 more days of quiet left to enjoy. So […]