If you had told me last year at this time that we would now have
3 birds
1 fish
and a dog
I would have said, YEAH RIGHT.
I did not have any pets growing up. But my DH always had tons of pets. I know he misses his dogs, turkeys and birds.
It all started about a year ago when Diane turned 5 and she was given a betta fish as a pet. This fish is still alive and really has a great personality. Lucy just upgraded her tank to an awesome fish tank on the bottom and grow some herbs for your recipes on top.
You can see all about it at this link:
I am not joking that in 24 hours we had sprouts on top. Now 4 days later we have 6″ of wheatgrass and big sprouts of lettuce and basil too. This is the easiest way to take care of a Betta and a super easy way to grow fresh herbs in the kitchen. Many thumbs up from our house!
So then a friend said their children were afraid of their new parakeet. So Daisy joined us soon after Lucy. Daisy is hilarious and super low maintenance. Diane’s Junior Kindergarten class has 2 birds who needed a home for the summer so they are here temporarily. They are so cute and sit in their house on their 7 eggs.
And three days ago our big time waster joined us. Molly Shadow. She is a border collie/terrier mix from a NC kill shelter. She is super sweet and wonderful for keeping us active. She wants to pee every 30 minutes, so about 12 walks a day it is. Jake was often getting 5000 steps a day on his fitbit. In the past 4 days he is getting 18,000 steps and he lost 2 pounds!!
You can follow Molly’s escapades here:
Molly Shadow’s Facebook Page
So if you come visit us, be prepared to meet our zoo and take a few walks with us.