Hi everyone! Thank you to each and everyone of you who liked my new Facebook Fan page today. I will be posting on Facebook and doing giveaways and reviews as well, so please throw me a like if you have not already done so. I am posting my Six on Sunday today, all focusing on technology. Our family loves technology and probably uses it a bit too often, but many apps we have are educational. Some apps are just plain fun, and who does not like having fun??
1. Piper. Piper is awesome! Who is Piper you might ask? She is a security system that you install in your house and you do not need to pay any monthly service fee. Piper can also be used as a baby monitor type device, but WAY cooler. I won a Piper from Michelle at Scraps of My Geek Life. We installed Piper and by installed, I mean, we put it on the kitchen counter. Jake(11) set up the app on my phone and we were ready to go. I can watch what is going on in my kitchen 24/7. I can even talk to the people in the kitchen when I am not home. While I was in NYC last week I could login and see the kids happily cooking dinner together and it made me so happy. Piper can also be set to different modes and can be used as a motion detector and will alert you if someone comes into your home while you are away. Piper can even be used to watch your dog who might be home alone. You need to go check out Piper!
2. Storied Myth is an app that comes with manipulatives that you use with your child in conjunction with a story and puzzle app. We are working on a youtube video review that we will post here as soon as it is done so you can see exactly what this app is about. We received one box with the first 3 chapters to review. The app is free and reads to you a story about a magical pendant in the land of Pangea. The kit came with a set of wooden tangrams, wooden arrows, a small board game with black and white marbles, three chapters worth of puzzles, and an awesome code breaker wheel. We have done the first two chapters and we are really enjoying them. The puzzles are fun and interact with your ipad’s camera. This product is really unique and is a great way to make reading a story more fun.
Check it out if you have not heard of it yet!
3. Mars Pop by Outfit7. This app is so much fun! It is made by Outfit7, the same company that made the Talking Tom app which my kids love. All my kids, 7-19 love it and to be honest, sometimes the parents have been found playing it after the kids go to sleep. You first choose a male or female character. The app then pairs you up with someone of equal skill level to play against you. This is the cool part, your opponent will be from somewhere around the world. When your opponent pops up on your screen, you see their name and the flag from the country they live in. Sometimes their name will even be in another language. The object of the game is to pop your bubbles faster than your opponent pops theirs. You are both working on your own screen at the same time. Whenever you put 3 of the same color bubble next to each other they will pop and disappear. You want all your bubbles to disappear because the first person with a screen full of bubbles loses. It is a bit hard to explain, but you can watch our video here and see the game in action. One more thing that I love about this app is that there are 6 different chat phrases that you can say as well as a few emojis you can send to your opponent. Your child will not be chatting or meeting strangers on this game. You must check it out!
4. Monster Mingle by Cowly Owl. This app is aimed at the under 5 age range, but anyone can enjoy it because the music and sounds are so cute and the “monsters” you create are so adorable. The premise of this app is that you walk through water, sky and land, picking up different monster parts and putting them onto and taking them off your monster. It sounds so simple but it is really addicting and so much fun. As you pass different parts of your environment different sounds are played. You can add wings so you can fly, you can add fins so you can swim better and put on legs and arms so you can walk on land. Watch our youtube video to get a better idea of what this app is about. It is a winner!
5. Luca Lashes visits the dentist by Luca Lashes LLC This app was made to help young children who are afraid to do things like go to the dentist, the doctor, get a haircut, learn how to swim, visit a loved one in the hospital or even a nursing home. The app is short by sweet. Luca was born with magical eyelashes and when he blinks twice he is able to do things he did not think that he could before. This app is a good way to reassure a young child who might be afraid to do one of these often difficult activities.
6. Instead of typing up a recipe for you today we made a Youtube video instead. It is our first cooking video so go easy on us! We make this soup once or twice a week, it is that good! This type of soup is easy to customize with your favorite vegetables and grains. I hope you enjoy our Mushroom Potato Onion Farro soup!