Coconut Flour and Gluten Free Tiramisu Cupcakes 44

All you need to know about Coconut Flour via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

Coconut flour is making a splash in the baking arena . Have you tried baking with it yet? It is not a simple substitute for white flour and can be a bit complicated to figure out. If you have only baked with regular flour, you will be in for a surprise if you treat coconut flour the same way. It is an excellent low carb and gluten free baking ingredient, but you need to be aware of a few things before you begin baking. It will absorb a lot of liquid, so if you are not careful, your baked goods can be quite soggy.

Start baking with coconut flour by using a familiar recipe:

Baking does require some getting used to. After testing a few recipes, you might even have discovered a new ingredient that you will enjoy using. Try to start with a familiar recipe, and as your experience increases, you can begin to experiment with other recipes. Why should you even bother with coconut flour, when there are so many choices available that are not as difficult to figure out? Coconut flour offers a unique set of properties that makes it an attractive alternative, especially for those people looking for low carb and or gluten free recipes.

Coconut flour is good for you because:

  • It is high in fiber. 2/3 of it’s carbohydrates are soluble fiber. Anyone with high cholesterol will enjoy this fiber benefit.
  • It helps with metabolism. Coconut flour is high in healthy fats, the ones that are good for you! These fats not only help your metabolism, they also help regulate blood sugar levels.
  • It can help digestive health. It can lower the LDL, or the bad cholesterol, and help keep your heart healthy.

Coconut flour is better for you than an almond flour because it is lower in fat, has less calories, and is higher in fiber. One of the best things about coconut flour is that it is nut free and gluten free. Those people with gluten or nut sensitivities or allergies can often still have coconut flour.

Tiramisu cupcakes gluten free made with coconut flour via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog

How do you substitute coconut flour in a favorite recipe?

Coconut flour is not equivalent to Wheat flour at all. You cannot simply substitute wheat flour with coconut flour in a 1:1 ratio. For example, an ordinary bread recipe takes 2 cups of all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup oil or butter, 1 or 2 eggs, and 1/4 to 1 cup of liquid. A bread made with coconut flour would need about 3/4 to 1 and 1/2 cups coconut flour, 6 to 12 eggs, 1/3 to 1 cup of oil and no other liquids added.

You can use coconut flour like wheat flour when dredging meat or vegetables. This is the only time that you can use in a 1:1 ratio. Coconut flour tends to be clumpy so you need to carefully incorporate it, along with all the other ingredients that you will use in your recipe. Coconut flour is both dense and dry that’s why you have to use plenty of eggs to lighten up the recipe. To counter the dryness, you can add mashed or pureed fruits and vegetables to your baked goods. One more thing to be careful of, coconut flour can easily go bad when not properly sealed after the container is opened. Always store your coconut flour in a tightly sealed container.

All you need to know about Coconut Flour via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

What exactly is in Coconut Flour?

Fiber: Coconut flour is composed of 75% fiber, with about five grams per tablespoon. This helps to maintain healthy digestion while killing off any irritating agents found in your body.

Macronutrient ContentCompared to refined flours, which contain simple carbohydrates,(that ultimately end up raising your blood sugar levels), coconut flour has a lower glycemic index, which helps keep your blood sugar levels steady. You won’t feel a sugar high (and then the inevitable crash) with the use of coconut flour.

Protein and Fat: Another perk about coconut flour is that it contains a high amount of protein, with 100 grams of coconut flour containing 19 grams of protein. Coconut flour contains 9 grams of healthy fats per 100-gram serving, helping you boost your metabolism. It contains trace minerals and an excellent amount of nutrients to help you keep going!

Gluten Free: For those who are on a gluten free diet due to allergies or other intolerances, you won’t need to worry about staying away from your favorite baking recipes anymore. Coconut flour is gluten free and hypoallergenic so you can enjoy a healthier version of your baked goods WITHOUT the guilt or worry.

If you want to read more about coconut flour you can click here. Now that you know all about coconut flour you need a delicious gluten free dessert to try. These Tiramisu Cupcakes look incredibly moist and delicious. Have you ever tried to bake with coconut flour?

Gluten Free Tiramisu Cupcakes

Gluten Free Tiramisu Cupcakes


  • Cupcakes:
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla
  • 1/4 cup Stevia or any low calorie sweetener
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • Toppings:
  • 1 Tablespoon coffee (espresso)
  • 3 Tablespoons Stevia or low calorie sweetener
  • 1 Tablespoon agave
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 8 oz. mascarpone cheese
  • cocoa powder to dust


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Beat the eggs well.
  3. Add the coconut oil, coconut milk, and the vanilla.
  4. Mix the dry ingredients in a separate bowl.
  5. Combine both wet and dry mixtures together, adding more coconut milk if the batter is too thick. The consistency should be similar to pancake batter.
  6. Place the batter in cupcake papers, filling only up to 3/4 of each cupcake case.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes or until the top of the cupcakes spring back when touched. Remove the cupcakes from the oven and let cool.
  8. While the cupcakes cool, make your topping by mixing the Stevia and agave together until the sweetener dissolves.
  9. Spread this sweetener mixture over the cupcakes and let stand for half an hour.
  10. Whip the cream and then mix in the mascarpone.
  11. Spread the cream over the cupcakes as a frosting.
  12. Dust the cupcakes with cocoa powder and enjoy!

Tiramisu cupcakes gluten free made with coconut flour via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog

Thank you to Claire from SumoChef for writing this guest post and recipe. Claire’s passion is cooking and her unique approach is the result of her varied experiences and travels abroad. She believes that food is what actually unites people, and the dining table is where we set aside our differences. SumoChef is where she finds expression to her passion and she hopes be able to contribute to your cooking experience through this.

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