Communicating with teens 26

Communicating with teens

Was it easier to be a parent years ago?

This post is sponsored by the Center for Parent and Teen Communication.  All opinions, thoughts, and memories are my own.


I remember when you used to stand next to me, on a step stool, and help me make dinner. You watched and learned each recipe and jumped in to help when you could. Nothing stood in your way as you started to make lasagna all by yourself when you were one and a half. You loved to take out the ingredients from the refrigerator and make a snack for your brothers. My best assistant and happy helper not ever realizing that you were the youngest. Capable and strong and loving to work in the kitchen with me.

helping in the kitchen with meal prep


You’re older and so capable now. Your brothers are all more than 6 feet tall but they still like you to take care of them. You make them snacks and ask if you can get them something to eat. When we shop together, you always try to choose things they like to eat. Our family has named you the cruise director because you enjoy organizing family game nights with themed dinners. Your skills in the kitchen have improved tremendously and now you can make amazing dinners for all of us to enjoy. I can see the pride in your eyes as you serve your recipes to us. Watching you grow into a beautiful young lady makes me so proud to be your Mom.

teen then and now post

Young children grow up so fast, and communicating with teens is so hard. Take a minute to watch this video, it might make you cry a bit:

I would also like to share with you from Dr. Ken Ginsburg from the .  This video will remind you of all the little things you loved about your child’s younger years. The teen years also have many wonderful moments and qualities that are sometimes harder to see. Parents need all the help they can get on their journey through the first 18 years. The Center for Parent and Teen Communications is an excellent new resource guide to help you navigate these difficult years.

New parenting resource at Center for Parent and Teen Resource

What are your favorite memories from when your teen or grown child was young? What amazing accomplishments can you share?

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26 thoughts on “Communicating with teens

  • Amber Myers

    It can be tricky to communicate with teens, that’s for sure. I have a teen boy, and he tends to grunt responses out at me sometimes. I just always offer to spend time with him. Usually if I say I’ll take him out to eat, he’s all in.

  • Tomi C

    For me, it’s those quiet convos just me and one of our kids. Sometimes they just need some alone time with mom or dad. Now that I’ve got kids in college I really value the time we vested into our family relationships.

  • Pam

    Teens can be really hard to communicate with. I found the best thing to do with my kids was to take them on “mother-kid” dates by themselves. We always had a good time and ended up chatting.

    • Sara Post author

      Mother-child dates are the key to a good conversation! It is easy to talk and find out more about your children when you are alone and away from home.

  • Jenn

    The teen years were some of the hardest for me and my girls but it was also some of the best years. They’re grown now. I sometimes miss them being younger.

    • Sara Post author

      I think the teen years are typically very difficult. When your kids get in their late 20s they can look back and reflect on how hard the years were.

    • Sara Post author

      It is crazy to look back on the teen years when you are an adult. Teens are just the most difficult years to deal with. It is important to have these resources.

  • Vyjay Rao

    The progression to teens is a hard phase both for the kids and parents. Things can be easier if parents just go back to when they themselves were teens. This would help bridge the gap of understanding of the sensitive and vulnerable period of the teens.

    • Sara Post author

      This is very true and great advice! It is also a good idea to remember the early years when your kids were easier to take care of.

  • Catalina

    You are right! Parents need all the help they can get with their teens. The Center for Parent and Teen Communications is a great solution!

    • Sara Post author

      It is so wonderful to have this great resource. I am glad you find the center for parent and teen communications to be a great help.

  • Jona Shares

    Today is a lot more different when communicating with teens. Maybe because of the generation too but I guess the way kids should be thought will be a factor too so that in the long run we will not be having such hard time to deal with our teens.

    • Sara Post author

      Today the teens have so many things to deal with that we did not, computers, internet, and social media! Parents need to figure out how to navigate the difficult waters.