Hydration Station will keep your family hydrated this summer 38

Hydration Station: the best way to keep your family hydrated

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Make a Hydration Station with DASANI, vitaminwater Zero, and powerade ZERO and via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

Summer time is full of fun times and hot weather. When you are busy running around it is easy to forget to drink enough. Last summer when my kids were hot and thirsty all the time I knew that I needed to find a way to make sure that everyone was getting enough fluids. The hydration station came about when my daughter told me that drinking is really boring. She wanted to have fun while hydrating. Together we brainstormed how we could make drinking fluids into a fun activity. Not only did we make a hydration station for everyone in our own family, but we made some for our friends Emma and Colton too.

Make a Hydration Station with DASANI, vitaminwater Zero, and powerade ZERO and via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

Some of my kids have POTS: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Their doctor reminds us at every appointment that it is crucial for them to stay well hydrated, especially in the summer. One other thing that is very good for them is salt. Not only is eating salty foods healthy for a POTS patient, but the salt makes them drink more fluids. The salt helps them retain fluids and makes them drink even more. See how we are winning here?

Each person has a different fluid goal, based on their individual height and weight. It is quite easy to figure this out. Take your weight and multiply it by .5. The number that you get from this equation is the amount in ounces that you need to drink per day. Drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated. We love the taste of DASANI water the best. We always have a few bottles on hand for walks, pool trips, and other outdoor activities. When it is really hot I also buy Powerade Zero and vitaminwater. My kids love these drinks and they have no problems drinking an entire bottle.

Make a Hydration Station with DASANI, vitaminwater Zero, and powerade ZERO and via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

Tracking my family’s daily water intake is much easier with the hydration station. Your kids can easily help make one. We made a few for our friends as well. We will be keeping our hydration station filled with the kids favorite beverages as well as fun cups and bottles for on the go hydration.

Make a Hydration Station with DASANI, vitaminwater Zero, and powerade ZERO and via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

Making your own hydration station is easy! First, you need some colorful bins. Each person should probably have a different color. These bins were the perfect size to hold all our materials. You will want to have enough room to add delicious and enticing beverages as well as some DASANI water bottles. Having everything in one place will save you from not knowing where your vitaminwater is when you are headed out to the pool.,

Make a Hydration Station with DASANI, vitaminwater Zero, and powerade ZERO and via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

Now is a great time to shop for hydration station materials. Our Safeway was filled with cute summer themed water bottles, fun cups and straws. My kids love fun cups, bottles, and silly straws. All summer long I will be adding in fun drinks and snacks to each of the kids stations.

Make a Hydration Station with DASANI, vitaminwater Zero, and powerade ZERO and via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

To create your own hydration station you will need:

Bins large enough to hold cups and bottles.

  • Plenty of Powerade Zero, vitaminwater, and DASANI water bottles.
  • Decorations! I love puffy paint, stickers, flowers and foam/vinyl letters.
  • Glue gun
  • A mini chart for tracking fluid intake
  • A pen
  • A clothespin or wood clips
  • Silly straws
  •  Water bottles and cups
  • Sharpies
  • Salty snacks in containers

1.Purchase different color bins for each person in your family.

Make a Hydration Station with DASANI, vitaminwater Zero, and powerade ZERO and via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

2.Gather your decoration supplies.

3.Each child should choose a water cup or bottle to use. You can write their names just to avoid confusion as to whose cup is whose.

4.Decorate the bins.

Make a Hydration Station with DASANI, vitaminwater Zero, and powerade ZERO and via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

5.Attach your beverage tracking chart to the front of your bin.

Make a Hydration Station with DASANI, vitaminwater Zero, and powerade ZERO and via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

6.Include a pen in the bin so they can check off how much they drink each day.

7.Fill the bin with their favorite fluids, water bottles, cups and straws.

Make a Hydration Station with DASANI, vitaminwater Zero, and powerade ZERO and via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

8.Keep the hydration station filled with portable salty snacks. Salted popcorn, chips, and pretzels are popular.

9.Each hydration station should be in an area with easy access all day.

One of the best things about these hydration stations is that the kids can find their drinks without asking me where they are. It is also very portable and can be taken in the car, on a day trip, or on vacation.

Make a Hydration Station with DASANI, vitaminwater Zero, and powerade ZERO and via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

Buy participating products at Albertsons or Safeway and get a text to win code for a chance to Win a Trip for 2 to a Wellness Retreat in Palm Springs, CA!

Make a Hydration Station with DASANI, vitaminwater Zero, and powerade ZERO and via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

Make a Hydration Station with DASANI, vitaminwater Zero, and powerade ZERO and via Cookwith5kids @cookwith5kids mom blog #shop

How will you stay hydrated this summer?

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38 thoughts on “Hydration Station will keep your family hydrated this summer

  • Alli Smith

    Staying hydrated is so important, especially during the summer months. I love how you set up the hydration station with a bin for each member of the family. I have to remind myself to stay hydrated while I’m working all day.

    • Sara Post author

      There is no harm setting up a Hydration Station for Mom or Dad too! Even Grandparents need hydration reminders, especially in summer.

  • Tomi

    Love this idea. I worry about my kids staying hydrated especially during the Summer and always keep bottled water in our car and a small bottle in my purse. This would be a great tote to carry on our road trips when the kids tend to dehydrate a tad.

    • Sara Post author

      Thank you! I think that kids like helpful reminders. Dehydration is a real summer time concern and with these hydration stations we no longer have to worry.

  • Pam Wattenbarger

    I didn’t know that your kids had POTS! My daughter has it as well and it is hard for her to stay hydrated especially in the summer.

  • lisa

    This is a great idea! I want a hydration station for my house. I drink water all day every day, but my kids really need to up their intake of liquids.

    • Sara Post author

      You should make a hydration station with your kids this summer! It will be a great way to keep them healthy and hydrated.

    • Sara Post author

      Your son needs to drink even more when he is playing a sport! He could bring a hydration station with him to his games and be totally prepared.

    • Sara Post author

      Thanks Sarah! Kids really can get dehydrated easily in the summer. It is important to keep an eye on their intake.

  • adriana

    This is such a great idea and oh so fun to make! Staying hydrated is soo important, especially in the heat! I have to try this, it’s so fun and a great reminder!

    • Sara Post author

      Thank you! I am glad you liked this idea. It is so important to think about hydration, especially in the summer.

  • Rebecca Swenor

    Staying hydrated is so important for our bodies. This hydration station is an amazing idea for everyone especially during the summer months. Thanks for sharing the information and the awesome idea.

  • Annemarie LeBlanc

    Awesome DIY Hydration station to remind your family to drink up! I love all the different kinds of flavored water you can get to encourage your family to up their fluid intake!

    • Sara Post author

      You are so right, there are so many flavors of water available today. My kids have their favorite flavors and there are always new flavors on the market constantly.

  • My Teen Guide

    This would be a cool idea for this summer. Sometimes the children forget to drink up. Dehydration is something we don’t want them to go through. A hydration station would be really great. I would copy this idea and fill an ice chest and put the drinks in there.I’ll put it where in an area where it is accessible to the kids while they are playing outside. Maybe the back porch would be a good place.