Monthly Archives: November 2010

We love the kids teachers so much that we wanted to bake them a treat for Thanksgiving Week. These muffins are moist, delicious, and great to share with family and friends. Print Yum Pumpkin Butterscotch Muffins Ingredients1 and 3/4 cup all purpose flour 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup white […]

Pre Thanksgiving Muffins

I have been away from my brand new blog for the past week. Why you may ask?? Well as a Mom of 5 kids, illness and sickness is a given. We had strep, bad colds and coughs, and a banged up knee, but we are doing better now. My 2 […]

Been away for a week

Thanks for stopping by my new blog. I will be posting recipes, funny things my kids do, reviews of foods, products and more. I would love to connect with you on twitter or facebook I look forward to getting to know and share some great recipes along the way! @cookwith5kids […]
