
Healthy cranberry Muffins. Recipe at 42
Healthy Cranberry Muffin Cranberries are a very healthy fruit. Did you know that a 1/2 cup of cranberries is only 25 calories? Cranberries are not only low in calories but they are also high in anti-oxidants, improve immune function, lower blood pressure, lower risks of UTIs, are an anti inflammatory, […]

Healthy Cranberry Muffin

I love to have healthy snacks on hand, a go to protein packed quick pick.  Quinoa is an awesome way to add health and protein to the kids diet.  I have posted a quinoa cookie with chocolate chips before, but today I am sharing with you a Quinoa muffin. Once […]

Choose your flavor Quinoa Muffins

Happy Memorial Day everyone! Just because I have not posted any recipes in a few weeks does not mean that I have not been cooking. It means that I have not had time to take any pictures or post recipes. School is winding down, life is crazy, but I am […]

Power Snack: Quinoa Oat Muffins

One of my kids is a fairly picky eater.  He likes very few foods.  Luckily, the foods he likes are healthy.  We just made an awesome smoothie together. We just threw in the Vitamix: pineapple blueberries strawberries chia seeds kale a peeled orange a banana about 1/4 cup hemp seeds […]

Vegan Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins